MSI Help Desk is a support group that provides MSI faculty, researchers, staff, and students with assistance accessing various services available for MSI and in the Marine Science Building.
Information Systems services
Information Technology Services @ MSI
- Email and System accounts
- Conference rooms and A/V equipment checkout
- Software licensing and checkout
- Departmental servers
- Wireless network access (Wifi)
- Network Security
- Offsite VPN access from the UCSB Enterprise Technology Services
MSI maintains a series of Google Groups to provide a way to communicate with the MSI community.
Our most common lists include:
- Building Lists: Alert users to location specific issues such as water or power outages
- MSI-News: General forum for the MSI community
- Currents: The MSI newsletter
Only individuals who have an MSI account or who are subscribed to the list are permitted to post to that list. Additionally, a UCSB email account is required to access any UCSB mailing list. The creation and content of these mailing lists are subject to the UCOP acceptable use policies.
The Currents list is for the newsletter subscription only, please do not post or reply directly to this list.
If you would like access to one of our Google Groups, but don't have a UCSB email, please submit a ticket to help@msi.ucsb.edu with your name, university affiliation, and the email address you would like us to use.