This exciting field uses the latest breakthroughs in modern molecular biology, engineering and chemistry to solve basic problems in marine biology; to improve the production of medical, chemical, food, and energy resources from the ocean; and to develop new products and industries based on more efficient use of the ocean’s resources. Research and training in Marine Biotechnology at MSI are focused in three inter-related areas: (1) the development of new methods and approaches from molecular and cellular biology to investigate the basic mechanisms controlling life in the oceans and its responses to environmental change; (2) the development of new industries, resources and products from the oceans; and (3) the use of marine organisms as models for biomedical research.
Biotechnology and Engineering
UCSB is recognized internationally for its leadership in Marine Biotechnology.
Courtesy Dan Morse Lab
Investigators affiliated with
Current projects related with
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
University of Southern California
National Science Foundation