A diverse array of marine organisms are used for food, medicine, cosmetics, and a wealth of industrial applications, while the world’s demands for energy, minerals and water have become increasingly dependent on non-living marine resources. MSI researchers are working to monitor and assess the condition of the ocean’s resources and to determine the impacts that humans have on them through fishing, offshore oil and gas operations, coastal development and municipal and industrial discharges. The focus of MSI’s Coastal Research Center (CRC) is on gaining a comprehensive understanding of coastal and island ecosystems, which is necessary for sound resource management.
Natural Marine Resources
The ocean’s resources play a vital role in sustaining the needs of society
Brandon Doheny
Investigators affiliated with
Current projects related with
UC Santa Cruz
San Jose State University Research Foundation
National Science Foundation
DN Navy Misc Bases & Agencies
UC San Diego
Oregon State University
UC San Diego Sea Grant
National Science Foundation
Padre Associates, Inc.
Cal Ocean Protection Council
The Schmidt Family Foundation
Cal Wildlife Conservation Board
Conservation International Foundation