Collaborative Research: Predator facilitation across a variable marine environment

Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
National Science Foundation
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
Area/s of Research
Ecology and Evolution

UCSB will lead aspects related to animal borne cameras, including both field work and  analysis.  UCSB researchers will design and secure all animal cameras and associated harnesses. They will be in the field applying these cameras, or if timing does not permit physical presence for all applications, they will work with collaborators to help them apply these harnesses.  UCSB researchers will design image analysis techniques and produce all data based on image analysis for these animal borne cameras.  This data will be shared with the entire team for collaborative writing projects.  Any research products focused exclusively on animal borne camera imagery will be led by UCSB researchers, while UCSB researchers will collaborate on all products that use the image data combined with other data (e.g. GPS trackers and other biologging devices).  UCSB researchers will contribute to writing and analysis of other components of the project.