A Master of Many Elements

Earth science professor elected fellow of American Academy for Microbiology for work in biogeochemistry
Harrison Tasoff
Natural gas bubbles up through asphalt on the seafloor

Natural gas bubbles up through asphalt on the seafloor off the California coast. Photo Credit: David Valentine

Professor David Valentine describes his interests as “microbes, molecules and their milieu.” It’s a multifaceted topic for a man with many interests at the interface of microbiology, chemistry and Earth science. He’s particularly renowned for his work on the ecology of offshore oil seeps and other interactions between biology and hydrocarbons.

Now, the American Academy for Microbiology has selected Valentine as one of its 2021 fellows. This distinction “recognizes excellence, originality, service and leadership in the microbial sciences.” Academy fellows, eminent leaders in their discipline, “are relied upon for authoritative advice and insight on critical issues in microbiology.”

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