MSI Faculty

Professor of Applied Ecology

Community, Fisheries, and Restoration Ecology

Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Hunter Lenihan’s primary research interests lie in the fields of applied population and community ecology, especially in connection with human…
Professor, Earth Science
My research focuses on computational approaches to the interpretation of paleoclimate records. I believe that the integrated analysis of widely…
Professor of Geography
I am a Professor of Geography at UCSB where I direct the Human-Environment Dynamics Lab. I received a PhD in Geography from the University of North…
Assistant Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Andy MacDonald is a broadly trained ecologist who leverages field, lab and data driven approaches to understand how disease risk and transmission…
Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
My research investigates the physical limnology of lakes and the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of changes in mixing dynamics. Studies…
Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Dr. Susan Mazer has been a professor of plant ecology, genetics, and evolution at UCSB since 1988, and the Director of the California Phenology…
Assistant Professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Dr. McCauley began his career as a fisherman in the Port of Los Angeles, but migrated to marine science and now serves as an Assistant Professor in…
Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management,

and Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
My research emphasizes ecological processes in lakes, wetlands and streams, and hydrological and biogeochemical aspects of catchments. I have…
Associate Professor, Geography
Research Interests estuarine & coastal circulation, autonomous platforms, ecosystem metabolism Academic History Ph.D. Stanford University,…
Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
My research covers many areas of theoretical ecology.  The overarching theme is the use of “individual-based” or “structured” population models…