people | principal investigators

Jacob Eurich

Associate Researcher
Marine Science Institute
Jacob Eurich

Dr. Jacob Eurich is a Fisheries Scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, where he studies the impacts of climate change on natural-human systems. These changes create complex trade-offs between environmental and human wellbeing. Jacob’s research lies at this intersection of global change ecology, marine resource governance, and human health. He focuses on understanding how fisheries management, conflict, and equity affect food security and livelihoods in communities that rely on blue foods. Collectively, his research uses knowledge co-production and community-engaged science to build climate resilience in marine fishery systems.

He is an adjunct Research Associate at the Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, Principal Investigator for the Pacific Planetary Health Initiative, and a coordinating member of FishSCORE2030 under the UN Decade of Ocean Science. Previously, he was a Resident Researcher at Mahonia Na Dari in Papua New Guinea, a Scientist at California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, and a Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Santa Barbara’s Marine Science Institute and National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. He earned his PhD in Marine Ecology from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University.

Jacob Eurich's Projects

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