This 3-year project will prepare a California Beach Resiliency Plan (CBRP) to bring awareness to the vulnerability of California’s beaches to sea level rise, accelerate localized adaptation planning, and frame statewide policy to protect beaches in the face of climate change. The Ocean and Coastal Policy Center at UCSB will lead an interdisciplinary team to synthesize existing environmental and social data about California’s beaches, including their geophysical, ecological, economic, and public access/recreational functions and values. The team will also generally characterize the cultural and environmental justice aspects of beach environments and consider existing community adaptation and other relevant planning information for sustaining beaches. The project will provide an overview of beach vulnerability and create actionable guidance for local/community-level response for achieving beach resiliency and equitable access for future generations. This will include development of (1) coastal county-level “snapshots” of sandy beach environments on the outer coast and in SF Bay (and rocky intertidal as feasible); (2) methodological guidance (e.g., decision framework, methods, and online tools/datasets) to accelerate local community adaptation planning and action, including to meet the goals of SB1 and SB272 and LCP Local Assistance Grants; and (3) policy recommendations to support statewide beach resilience strategies. As resources allow, the work will be informed by sectoral and governmental advising.