Collaborative Research: CAIG: Using Deep Learning to Learn about the Deep Sea: Application of AI to elucidate drivers of global biogeochemical cycles

Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
National Science Foundation
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Biotechnology and Engineering
Ecology and Evolution

Statement of work for UCSB for: “Collaborative Research: CAIG: Using Deep Learning to Learn about the Deep Sea: Application of AI to elucidate drivers of global biogeochemical cycles” for a proposal led by Oregon State University.

As part of this research our specific work would:

  1. Extraction of DNA and RNA samples collected on a research cruise
  2. Lead a deep-submergence research cruise off of Oregon.
  3. Plan and analyze experiments focusing on methane oxidation and nitrogen cycling.
  4. Analyze nutrient samples after at sea work.
  5. Collaborate with OSU PI on bioinformatic approaches to analyze deep sea metagenomes and transcriptomes
  6. Host a writing and outreach workshop focusing on the products of the project.
  7. Produce peer reviewed literature and present the results of the research at national and international conferences.