Defining the mechanisms of recruitment limitation following high severity wildfire to predict California conifer forest resilience in an altered climate

Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
Cal Department Of Forestry
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
Anna Trugman
Leander Love-Anderegg
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Climate Change Science
Ecology and Evolution

This project will mesh measurements of conifer seedling physiological tolerance, seed addition experiments and microclimate observations to determine where, when and why conifer recruitment fails after high severity wildfire. We will:

  • disentangle seed limitation from survival limitation to understand the mechanisms of type conversion
  • explore where shrub cover exacerbates versus ameliorates regeneration failure to understand the implications of shrubs for restoration efforts
  • produce a prediction tool based on physiological thresholds and microclimate modeling that will allow land managers to identify where seedling regeneration will be limited for five Sierran conifer species.

This project supports the California Wildfire Resilience and Action Plan as well as the California Forest Carbon Plan by elucidating drought interactions with fire to help avoid post-fire type conversion and loss of carbon storage potential in CALFIRE high priority landscapes.