Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
DN Navy Misc Bases & Agencies
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Natural Marine Resources
This Cooperative Agreement includes two (2) base tasks and two (2) optional items. The first base task is to conduct baseline ecological characterization surveys of sandy beach habitats at a minimum of one site at SCI. The second base task is to develop a technical report including results and analysis of the surveys. Option item 1 is to conduct a marine debris characterization at each site to supplement the biological data being collected. Option item 2 is to conduct additional ecological characterization surveys of sandy beach habitats at SCI.
The objectives of this Cooperative Agreement are to:
- Provide a baseline snapshot of the ecological condition of sandy beaches,
- Develop informative ecosystem indicators that could be used for long-term monitoring, and
- Interpret the important ecological links among the components of the ecosystem, including impacts of amphibious landing craft, for use in an evaluation of the effectiveness and changes over time at SCI.