Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
Friends of the Dunes
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Climate Change Science
Marine Geology and Geophysics
- UCSB will work with US Fish & Wildlife Ecologist to provide monitoring and research on geomorphic, plant cover, and sediment budget responses of recently restored dune landscapes at the Wadulh, Lanphere, and Friends of the Dunes study sites using uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) surveys with a multispectral Micasense RedEdge-P sensor and ground truthing.
- UAS surveys will be conducted at least annually in late spring-early summer and, as needed or possible, following distinct events (e.g., phases of restoration, storm events).
- Establishment and/or occupation of fixed survey monuments with sub-cm positional accuracy and spot coordinates from survey-grade GPS receivers to provide georeferencing for the UAS surveys. Coordinates for the monuments will be provided.
- Provide the following datasets: 1) 5-10cm resolution imagery from 6 spectral bands, including visual (red, green, blue), near-infrared (NIR), Red edge, and Panchromatic, 2) digital, georeferenced orthophoto mosaics of the study sites at 10-cm resolution in geotiff format, 3) georeferenced vegetation maps derived from multispectral indices, such as NDVI. 4) Three-dimensional digital elevation models (DEM) of the study sites derived from Structure-from-Motion (SfM) software, 5) geostatistical change maps identifying locations and quantities of significant elevation (and volume) change over time derived from sequential DEMs.