Oceans-to-Classrooms | REEF

An Ocean View of the World

Summer's Cool @ The REEF

Summer's coming! Time to hit the beach!

Group of sixth graders at campus point listening to undergrad docent

Summer's coming! Time to hit the beach! What better way to enjoy our amazing Maritime Community than to explore AND learn at the same time at the REEF and the world renowned Marine Science Institute at UCSB! Spend a week with us investigating the wonders of the sea and learning about the cool creatures, and features of the Santa Barbara Channel!

Summer’s Cool @ the REEF will take you on a week-long journey of fun in the sun.

Grade school girl holds a big crab at The REEF beach

Science! What Makes A Fish A Fish?!? What does it take to feed our sharks?
Technology! Using state of the art technology, we’ll discover “tiny “monsters living amongst us!
Engineering! In a DEEP dive, we’ll explore never-before seen things in the deep sea!
Art! Create your own fish and learn about Pablo Picasso! And, how are abalone used in art?
Math? Oh, no! Math? Arrrr you SERIOUS?? Well, we’ll use numbers to help us “navigate” our way, as the pirates did, to find some very cool buried treasures at Campus Point Beach!

Join the AMAZING REEF Team of UCSB scientists and undergraduates for a fun filled frenzy!

Summer’s Cool at the REEF is a Monday through Friday, half-day program, for campers ages 9–11 (8:00–12 p.m.), and ages 11–13 (1:00–5:00 p.m.).


  • Week #1, $200 (half day, no camp on Thursday, June 19th)
  • Weeks #2–#7, $250 per week (half day)

Includes REEF T-Shirt, REEFer Diploma, REEF Bumper Sticker, Best Summer EVER!

Campers MUST have own snacks, water, sunscreen.
Recommended: Hat, Light Jacket

Morning, 8:00–12:00 | campers ages 9–11

Week 1) June 16–20 (Closed on Juneteenth, Thursday June 19th)
Week 2) June 23–27
Week 3) July 7–11
Week 4) July 14–18
Week 5) July 21–25
Week 6) July 28–Aug 1
Week 7) Aug 4–8

Afternoon, 1:00–5:00 | campers ages 11–13

Week 1) June 16–20 (Closed on Juneteenth, Thursday June 19th)
Week 2) June 23–27
Week 3) July 7–11
Week 4) July 14–18
Week 5) July 21–25
Week 6) July 28–Aug 1
Week 7) Aug 4–8

The content of this program repeats weekly.

Parent/Guardian Registration Packet

Download and sign the waivers (Liability, Consent to Treat, and Photo Release) to confirm registration. The signed waivers can be uploaded during the online registration process, or turned in to staff on the first day of camp.

Campers will NOT be able to participate without these forms.

Notes on the registration process.
Please be aware that you can only add one camper at a time, but you may have an unlimited number in the transaction.
If a class fills up during your registration process, you won't be able to select it.

Refund/Transfer/Cancellation Policy & Fees

The parent or guardian's purchase of The REEF Summer Camp offerings indicates understanding of all registration and refund policies, and agreement to abide by them.

All refund requests must be submitted via email to MSI Outreach, outreach@msi.ucsb.edu, and received by the Youth Programs Coordinator by the dates listed below:

  • Refund Amount of 75%: Request MUST be received two months prior to the start of the purchased session.
  • Refund Amount of 50%: Request MUST be received one month prior to the start of the purchased session.


Summer's Cool @ The REEF classes are designed to provide children with opportunities to explore, experience, and observe Our Maritime Community, while engaging in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math!

Masks are optional for classes. If your child is not feeling well, please consider that impact on the class and all participants.

Discover answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • ENGAGE: By weaving together Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math in the REEF teaching aquarium, on the beach and in our outdoor learning classroom, The REEF Summer's Cool ensures that your child will have fun learn learning about marine science 
  • Science: While this camp is science-focused and designed in collaboration with multiple on-site experts, the camp is also designed to explore how our kelp forest and the animals found there play an important role in our community. 
  • Time Outside: No matter what the  topic, we want to spend as much time as possible outside and in the REEF. Games, exploration, experiments and art mean that campers spend their time fully engaged.

All campers must be signed in and out every day of camp by either a parent, guardian, or any other authorized adult. Information for authorized adults must be provided on the first day. Any adult picking up a camper must provide identification before staff can release the camper.

 We will have four (4) counselors for every session (5 children:1 adult).

No.  Parents are not allowed to remain with their child during camp hours. Their will be an opportunity to join in on the last day!

Your child will receive a "Summer's Cool @ The REEF!" camp shirt. No swimming or bathing suits are needed for activities.

Your child should bring the following items:

  • Comfortable clothes that they can move around in and get wet and dirty. Good sturdy, closed-toed shoes they can play in without hurting their feet are recommended
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Towel 
  • Healthy drink, and snacks
  • A backpack to carry belongings 
  • Full water bottle.  filtered water is available to refill water bottles and we'll make sure kids are kept well hydrated!
  • Hat and waterproof sunblock (pre-applied) 

Anything valuable! Electronics, trading cards, money, or anything else of value should be left at home in order to ensure the safety of your child's belongings, as well as their safety and participation in group activities. No Heelies/Heelys, roller blades, Crocs, or flip-flops are allowed at camp.

NOTE:  Your child is encouraged to have a cellphone with them if they posses one.  We want them to take pictures of their experiences.  Our team  will also be capturing their activities on camera, and we will share them with you.  Make sure to sign the photo waiver!

If you believe that any your child’s belongings may be in the lost-and-found, please notify our office staff promptly. We will keep items in the lost-and-found for duration of our camp window.

For their safety all campers MUST be signed in/out by a parent, guardian, or authorized adult every day. Please bring your ID at check out and present it to the instructor. Please ask your authorized pick-up person to present their ID to the instructor at check out. Campers will be escorted by a camp staff member and at least one other camper anytime they leave their classroom.

Yes! All medications (both over-the-counter and prescribed) must be cleared by the camper’s guardian by filling out the medical information section when registering.


Consent to Admin Med

We rarely experience serious disciplinary issues, and participants are kept thoroughly engaged with fun and challenging science activities. However, if a discipline issue arises, we handle it on a case-by-case basis. At first, a staff member will talk with the child to try and resolve the issue. If this does not resolve the issue, the instructor will contact the parent. As a last resort, the child may be removed from the camp and the parent will be asked to pick up their child.

It is important that all campers have a positive and rewarding experience while at camp. In order to ensure the safety and fun for all campers, participants are expected to behave in an acceptable manner and use appropriate language. ANY behavior deemed to be detrimental to camp expectations will be dealt with by the camp staff and/or REEF Director. Unacceptable behavior may include, but is not limited to, any form of intended harm to another camper or staff member, bullying, or any form of aggression.

Any situation that involves distracting other participants or disrupting camp activities (including cell phone usage/game playing) will not be tolerated. It is important to remember that there are NO REFUNDS if a child is asked to leave Summer's Cool @ The REEF due to unacceptable behavior. By paying your registration fee in full, you signify that you understand and agree to this.

The REEF Summer's Cool strives to maintain a healthy environment for our campers and staff. If your child is sick and there is any chance that he or she is contagious, please do not send them to camp. If a camper becomes ill at camp, we will call parents to pick them up.

If a child becomes injured, the instructor will contact the Director of the REEF and  will contact the parent or guardian. We have first-aid materials on site in various locations around the campus. Additionally, all camp staff are CPR-certified. For serious injury or other conditions that require immediate medical attention, the instructor will call 911 and contact the participant's parent or guardian. Medical personnel will be provided with relevant information, such as allergies, as provided on the health and permission form.

Please call the REEF Office at 805-893-8765, and a staff member will deliver your message to the appropriate person.

Unfortunately, there is no extended day option.

Our Tax ID number is 95-6006145

Summer's Cool camps end promptly at 12:00 p.m. for the morning session or 5:00 p.m. for the afternoon session.

We understand that problems and disruptions may arise during a parent or guardian's day that can throw off schedules. However, a late fee of $50 may be applied 15 minutes after the session is ended.