CNH-L: Socio-ecological traps and interactive dynamics of reef fisheries and human health in Kiribati

Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
Duke University
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Ecology and Evolution

For the NSF we are applying for the coupled natural and human systems grant. UCSB is responsible for the natural systems component. Harvard is responsible for the human systems component (human health). UCSC is responsible for assistance with how these two systems interact and the governance related questions. UCSB will be responsible for coordinating, conducting, and overseeing all ecological fieldwork, data analysis, data management, and the preparation of peer reviewed publications arising from the natural systems research and collaborations. We will be entirely in charge of the natural system component of this project from start to finish. We will also assist UCSC with the Natural to Human and Human to Natural interactions. We will be obtaining fisheries stock estimates from the ecological data collection and plan to extract catch per unit effort data from this. Therefore, the two main natural data components within the project are overall reef heath and stock size. Additionally, Doug will be responsible for mentoring and training the postdoctoral researcher and all undergraduates that are integrated into this research plan. The teachings will focus on ecological theory and reef systems dynamics.