Analytical Lab

Supporting the Research Community

Rate Schedule

Recharge rates for both UC and non-UC researchers cover the cost of sample prep and analysis. Priority services available upon request. Rates are adjusted annually.

Analytical Service Provided UC Rate Non UC Rate
CHN Elemental Analysis    
Regular (per sample) $25.00 $39.00
Other - (synthetic and double drop) (per sample) $47.00 $74.00
Nutrients Analysis    
Normal Seawater (per sample, per analyte) $6.50 $11.00
Other (turbid and/or high concentration) (per sample, per analyte) $12.00 $19.00
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry    
Contact Lab for availability    
δ15N, δ13C, δ34S $20.00 $34.00
Lab Personnel Labor Rates    
Analytical Lab Group rate (per hour) $87.00 $136.00