Morgan Reed Raven
Assistant Professor
Earth Science
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Marine Science
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Marine Science

Morgan is an organic geochemist and geobiologist. After finishing her PhD at Caltech in 2016, she worked as an Agouron Geobiology Fellow at Washington U. in St Louis before joining the UC Santa Barbara Earth Science faculty in July 2018.
Morgan's research includes classic and emerging problems in biogeochemistry, ranging from the origins of life to modern and ancient climate change. A common thread shared by many of these questions is an under-studied role of organic sulfur. Her lab specializes in sulfur isotope analysis by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), a powerful tool for measuring very small samples from a wide range of environments.
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's Projects
Administered by the Marine Science Institute
National Science Foundation