people | principal investigators

Siena McKim

Graduate Student Researcher
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
PhD Candidate, Graduate Student Researcher
Siena smiling in front of red rocks and mesquite tree

I'm a PhD Candidate studying the evolution of silk-spinning systems of marine amphipod crustaceans. Silk is an incredible material that has evolved over 30 times convergently only in arthropods, like insects, spiders, and crustaceans. Amphipods have received little attention in this field, yet may hold the secret to how this adaptation keeps evolving in the largest group of animals on our planet. I study the origins and evolution of silk adaptation in amphipods through histological staining and imaging, genomic, & RNA-seq methods. I work with specimens found locally in Santa Barbara and globally from Bocas Del Toro Panama to Antarctica. If you find this work fascinating feel free to reach out to chat or inquire about undergraduate research positions!

Research Area/s

Siena McKim's Projects

Administered by the Marine Science Institute