Collaborative Research: Resolving Spatial and Temporal Variations in Near Shore Wind Stress via Advances in High Frequency Radar

Award Period
Award Amount
Agency Name
National Science Foundation
Award Number
PI First Name
PI Last Name
MSI People
Area/s of Research
Ecology and Evolution

Emery will collaborate with Kirincich on the validation studies, model and algorithm refinement. Year 1 will include the detailed analysis of the existing data sets for improving extraction of wind and the identification of shortcomings in observations to be addressed in the field campaigns. Emery will travel to WHOI to participate in the execution of the New England Shelf field observations.  Year 2 will continue the methodological refinement using old and new validation data sets, expanding the software approach to multiple frequencies and radar types.  Emery will collaborate with WHOI personnel to execute the Santa Barbara Channel field study. In year 3 Emery will contribute to finalizing the analyses, demonstrating the utility of the observations for oceanographic studies, and prepare findings for publication. Software encoding the general method for arbitrary HF radar systems will be released into existing open-source software repositories.